Metabolic Health
blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammation, and Immune health and have programs for each.
Most Americans are not metabolically healthy!
Of Americans are
are not metabolically healthy
Data from the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) covering 1999–2018
American adults showed optimal levels of metabolic risk factors:
BMI, glucose, blood pressure, HDL and triglycerides without medication
each treating a single metabolic condition, or committing to an everyday lifestyle change that is un-sustainable. All these options lead to burnout, side effects or high cost.
Multiple university-conducted clinical trials involving Fasting-Mimicking Diet program demonstrated positive systematic/holistic impact without medications or strict imposition on lifelong changes in lifestyle in:

The comprehensive
program is 6 months long
guided by an expert RD, includes a bi-weekly curriculum with coaching support that incorporates a unique patented FMD for metabolic health and Longevity Nutrition coaching. The FMD is clinically tested to activate the body’s own ability to rejuvenate cells and ograns in the body that are responsible for metabolic health.
Join the L-Nutra Health program
The leader in the Food Is Medicine movement to restore metabolic health
to reverse metabolic diseases.